Located in the heart of Northeastern Ontario, this friendly community of 9,000 people has seen its roots grow from a booming gold mining camp to a charming town with much to see and do for everyone.
Kirkland Lake was built on gold, but it is equally as well known for producing world-famous hockey players. Attractions include the displays at the Museum of Northern History and the Hockey Heritage North, Kirkland Lake’s newest attraction. This 18,000 sq. ft facility offers a highly interactive introduction to the history of hockey in the north and the impact of the region on professional hockey in North America. Whether you visit the Northern Thunder Drag Races, check out the Canadian Snow Cross Races, take in a hockey game or kick up your heels at the best old-fashioned winter carnival around – Kirkland Lake is worth a visit.
If you were to fly over the district, you'd see a rolling wooded landscape dotted with lakes, wetlands, and rock outcroppings: topography typical of the northern boreal forest. Noticeable local landmarks include Mount Cheminis, rising 500 meters above sea level, and many small kettle lakes, scraped out of the rock during the last Ice Age and filled with crystal clear water.
Kirkland Lake is surrounded by unsurpassed natural beauty and offers many recreational opportunities: a quiet canoe paddle on lake, fishing or cruising a winter wonderland while dreaming about the hot sauna waiting for you at the end of the trail.
This 18,000 square foot interactive facility tells the story of hockey in northeastern Ontario and how this region produced some of...
The museum provides a fascinating glimpse into Kirkland Lake’s past.