In 1967, the accidental discovery of human remains prompted archeological investigations in Port aux Choix. 90 grave-sites were discovered and in 1970, the area was declared a National Historic Site. Because of the alkaline properties of the area’s limestone, prehistoric artifacts have been well preserved and it has been established that various Native peoples have lived there for 5000 years. Today the small town of Port aux Choix (poulation 590) is situated in the same area. Its residents, like those that came before, draw their livelihood from the sea. The town is known as the \"fishing capital\" of Western Newfoundland, with a fish processing plant, large fishing fleet, and Fisheries Canada offices. The town has services including motels, seaside cabins, government offices, sports complex and other infrastructure.
The landscape is shaped by the sea, and is beautiful in its barrenness. The Labrador Current brings sea ice for much of the winter, and in the summer, persistent winds blow off the mainland and rain is common. The result is the often fascinating tuckamore or Krummholz forests, with stunted firs that rarely surpass 5 meters in height. Heath lands, with continuous carpets of vegetation, alternate with limestone barrens.
Port au Choix, on the west side of Newfoundland's Great Northern Peninsula, has been populated for thousands of years.