Canada Travel -> New Brunswick -> Hampton -> Kings County Museum

Kings County Museum


Kings County Museum

Visit our large genealogy research collection, including the Death Certificates on microfilm: 1920 - 1935 for Kings, Queens, Albert, and Westmorland Counties; 1935 - 1943 for all of New Brunswick.

The main display area has a collection of beautiful crystal, pictures, furniture, guns, a 150 piece bell collection, a broad assortment of textiles ranging from clothing to quilts and many other items. One of the Museum's greatest treasures is the "Confederation Quilt" made from the cuttings of dresses worn by the ladies to the balls and galas of the Confederation Conference, PEI.

There are two other rooms, including the vault which houses family bibles, documents, scrapbooks, the 1862 H.F. Walling Map (click ) of Kings and Saint John Counties and other valuable artifacts

The Research Room contains both complete and partial genealogies, census, marriage and death records; microfilm; church, cemetery and place histories as well as the newsletters from the Kings County Historical Society, dating from 1970.

Contact Kings County Museum

27 Centennial Road
Hampton, E5N 6N3

Phone: (506) 832-6009
E-mail: Send Message

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